Family Adoption
by Minnix 1 Lives Impacted Uganda
Two years ago I became a mother. It was a lifelong dream, and involved a lot of waiting. When I first saw the face of my Ugandan princess, Dorie, ...
by Minnix 1 Lives Impacted Uganda
Two years ago I became a mother. It was a lifelong dream, and involved a lot of waiting. When I first saw the face of my Ugandan princess, Dorie, ...
by Perusi Andrew 1 Lives Impacted United States
Hello world! We are the Perusi Family...My husband Andrew is originally from Connecticut and I hail from Wisconsin. We have been married for 3 yea...
by Winner Steven 1 Lives Impacted United States
Steven and I have been married for four years and in March we'll be celebrating five years of marriage. God has been leading our hearts toward adop...
by Kesner Alysha 1 Lives Impacted United States
We both love kids and knew from day one that we wanted to be parents. After a few months of marriage we decided we were ready to take that step. N...
by Vasso Rick 1 Lives Impacted United States
It takes a village! Ain't that the truth. In our living room we have a puzzle hanging - on the back of that puzzle are the names of ALL the people...
by Clark Scott 1 Lives Impacted China
We are Scott & Mackenzie Clark and we're proud to announce that we have been pre-approved by China to adopt a wonderful little boy that we hope...
by Howell Holly 1 Lives Impacted Burundi
Ephesians 1: 4-5 (ESV) 4. Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love ...
by Henson-Oliver Kara 1 Lives Impacted United States
It has always been our hearts desire to love, nourish and watch many little ones blossom for the Lord. As many of you know it was a challenging jo...
by Kerstetter Dale 1 Lives Impacted United States
We are Dale & Sarah and live in a small community near Wichita, Kansas. We have been married for over 10 years and have always dreamed of being...
by Bohlinger Tonya 1 Lives Impacted China
Two and a half years ago, Tonya met a precious little boy in a foster home in China. We were already in the process of adopting and his file was n...
by Frey Ryan 1 Lives Impacted China
We are just a simple family who loves Jesus. We long to fill our home with more giggles and rough housing, joy and excitement by adding another son...
by Lowe Timothy 1 Lives Impacted United States
Isaiah is a shy, but smart and sweet little boy who came to live with us a little over a year ago when CPS placed him with us as a Family Placement...
by Maynard Elesha 1 Lives Impacted China
Here we are again for our second adoption journey and we are so excited to begin this process!!! This time we will be adopting two unrelated child...
by Robinson Amber 1 Lives Impacted China
Thank you so much for caring enough to visit this website. We've been blessed by having our children through the miracle of adoption, and there ...
by Walton Jeff 1 Lives Impacted Haiti
We are the Waltons! Jeff and I married in 2004 in a small chapel in Gatlinburg, Tenn., after several years of long-distance dating. We welcomed our...
by White Diane 1 Lives Impacted United States
Hi Everyone! We are thrilled to be on this adoption journey! Seriously, woohoo!!! As a couple, adoption has been part of our family plan since th...
by Dien Keri 1 Lives Impacted China
Dear friends and family, Thank you for all of your support you've given us throughout our lives. We are excited to announce that we are adopting a ...
by Pawley Anna 1 Lives Impacted Colombia
Hi! We are Jesse and Anna Pawley. We have been married almost 3 years, and God made it evident to both of us before we even met that he wanted us...
by Sombke Kimberly 1 Lives Impacted China
Thank you for considering to financially support our family as we adopt sweet Ben, a 20 month old boy from China with PKU. PKU is a life-long condi...
by Bergstrom Craig 1 Lives Impacted Colombia
Dear friends, We find ourselves at a junction that we never dreamt we would be at this stage of our lives. As many of you know by now, a 16-year...