Video #6 - 10/5 - Video #5 - 10/1 - Video #4 - 9/23 - Video #3 - 9/3 - Video #2 - 7/25 - Video #1 - 7/23 - As many of you know we have been going through a lot of transitions lately. Nicole got her dream job in January & Bill started his own company just a couple months ago. In the midst of all this, we decided there was no better time than now to ADOPT our first child!!! We wanted to share our story to invite you to be a part of our journey. About a year ago we found out that we are unable to have biological children. This was devastating, but we know God has a unique journey laid out ahead of us. We prayed and decided that we would like to adopt an infant. And... on July 25th we found out that we are matched with an expectant mom & baby, but then in early September we found out that the mother decided to parent instead of pursuing adoption. Then on Sept 23 we were matched again with a birthmother who on Oct 1st gave birth and placed us with Manny Scot Radtke.
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