The Garman house is one that has steadily grown the past few years, as God has blessed us with 3 biological sons. But we're not done yet. In April of 2010, we made the decision to adopt a baby girl from Ethiopia. This decision is one that has been in the works for a few years now; we didn't really know when we started talking about adoption, how it would play into our family as Abby was still pregnant with our oldest son, but we believe that God has finally opened the door for us to bring another baby into our family. We believe that as followers of Christ, we are called to do more than just walk around and say we are believers; rather, we should put our faith into action and share Christ's love with others, especially those who are unable to take care of themselves, which is why we chose to adopt. This is where you come in. We could really use your help! We have received a referral for a beautiful 19mo girl, and are excited to go see her soon. Every little bit you give brings us closer to our goal, and we covet your prayers above all. Thank you so much for your generosity in partnering with us! Daniel, Abby, Isaac, Asher and Levi Garman
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