God led us to begin an adoption from China about six years ago! As the wait to adopt from China continued to grow, we gave up hope that we'd ever get to complete it. Joyfully, God renewed our hope this summer and we were finally matched with our precious daughter, Elia Chen Jun, in September! She is 15 months old, has a repaired cleft lip and palate, and lives in the Social Welfare Institute in Nanjing. We are so thankful to give Elia the opportunity to be a part of our family and to teach her about her loving heavenly Father, His incredible plan to save her through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, and adopt her into His family. What a privilege we have been given, and what a blessing she will be! We are humbly asking if you would consider helping us bring our little girl home, as the costs are quite high. We hope to be able to travel to China in early summer, as soon as we receive immigration approval and complete fundraising. We covet your prayers for her as she remains in her orphanage, and for us as we prepare to bring her home. Thank you so much for your support-we would consider it such a gift for you to be a part of Elia's adoption story!
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