We always wanted to adopt. After 2 years of trying to conceive, we began to pursue adoption. But the recession & an unexpected home renovation (because of mold) delayed our adoption plans for 4 years. We finally began our journey in November 2011. By June 2012 we were just waiting for a birthmother to choose us. June 7, we were chosen by a wonderful birthmother! We are doubly blessed, because we're expecting TWINS (boy & girl) in late September! We've been doing Dave Ramsey's FPU plan for debt elimination (which is awesome, by the way) and believe we shouldn't go into debt for our adoption. We've cut expenses, taken extra work, & sold stuff, but we're still in need. God has led each step of the way; we trust He'll provide the finances. We appreciate any gift, prayers, & encouragement. We'll adjust our Funds Needed as funds come in. You can follow our adoption journey at: www.specialaddition.wordpress.com Scott & Jenny Ephesians 3:20 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish INFINITELY MORE THAN WE MIGHT ASK OR THINK. Glory to Him...forever and ever!
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